Lack of training has been highlighted as one of the main factors in ATV and SSV accidents. The aim of Yamaha's ATV SSV Safety Institute (YASSI) is to instruct ATV and SSV users about the correct use of four-wheelers and so increase safety levels.

To assist with this aim, Yamaha Motor Australia is pleased to announce the appointment of Getabout Training Services as operator of YASSI.

Yamaha Motorcycle Divisional Manager Denis Roberts announced that the appointment is aimed at expanding ATV and SSV training nationwide: "ATV and SSV training is crucial to ensure the safe operation of these vehicles. Our aim is to make skills training available to all ATV and SSV users across the country – and not just on Yamahas. Getabout Training already has six qualified trainers nationwide and plan for all their existing 42 registered trainers to deliver high quality ATV and SSV training. We want every customer to have access to a high standard of training."

Many ATV and SSV users who access training are from larger companies and corporate farms who are required to comply with safe work regulations. This group is easy to address. But many individual farmers who either don't have the time or don't see the value in ATV training are much harder to reach – which is one of the challenges faced by YASSI.

Getabout Training General Manager, Carl Eggenhuizen is well aware of the challenges. "We understand these users who operate in remote locations. It's these individuals to whom we want to make the skills training more accessible."

As a Registered Training Office (RTO), YASSI can certify users in the safe operation of ATVs and SSVs
Despite being run as part of the Yamaha group, YASSI offers training to all riders no matter the brand
Getabout has been running ATV and SSV training courses for a number of years, has training facilities and contractors in each state and is a Registered Training Organisation (RTO).

"We are very excited to be the service provider for Yamaha Motors RTO promoting ATV and SSV safety. Our experience and national network of trainers means we can hit the ground running and get the training to the people that need it the most," finishes Operations Manager John Eggenhuizen.

YASSI contractors Getabout can be contacted at (02) 8822 5666 or via YASSI at